Celebration of Sisterhood with Rakhibazaar.com

“I want to tie rakhi.” This line used to be my patent line on every rakhi as far as I remember as a little girl. As we were two sisters, we had no one to tie the thread of rakhi. I used feel very sad and could not understand why a sister can only tie the rakhi around the wrist of a brother. I was not really convinced with the words of my mother. She used to tie rakhi to her brother every year and I used to feel very jealous. I used to cry a lot over this rakhi tying ceremony that used to take place in our home.

It was my sister Rohini, who understood my pain. She was elder to me but was also small to understand the fact and do anything to take away my pain. But as we grew up, she was the one who gave me the greatest happiness of the world. I still remember the day when she came to me and said “From today you will tie rakhi around my wrist.” I was really surprised to hear this as from childhood days I had seen sisters’tying the rakhi around the brother’s wrist. I asked her how that would be possible .It is not the tradition. She then made me understood the real meaning of rakhi: the true essence of the festival, the motto of this old custom and the rational side of the traditional celebration.

Rohini Didi(Elder sister) made me understand that it is not just about the brother or sister, it is about a protective hand which will take care and protect you from anything. The thread is the symbol of the bond and is a promise that you will be beside each other for times to come. Listening to her words, I realized that she was so true. Rakhi is not just the celebration of brotherhood, but rather it is the celebration of love,affection,and care for each other. From that day we both decided to tie rakhi around each other’s wrist but decided to keep it secret. We thought that everyone would make fun of us. We were wrong at this point. When our parents came to know about this, they were really touched and felt proud of my sister, who took the initiative of making everyone understand the true spirit of the festival. From then, we have continued to tie rakhi to each other.

Last year, my sister got married and is now settled in America. But this distance has not weakened our bond. We both have decided to continue what we have been doing all these years. We looked for the online rakhi delivery services and decided to avail the service of www.rakhibazaar.com as they offered delivery of Cheap rakhi to USA.

To send something to USA is not just convenient, but affordable now. Rakhibazaar   gave me the option of selecting Cheap rakhi to USA. They even made it possible for my sister to make Rakhi delivery in India for me. She was little bit apprehensive about the fact, how her husband would react to the idea of Rakhi delivery in India to another sister. But she is really lucky to have a husband who understands her feelings.
