The pious rakhi festival is also popular as ‘Rakhi Poornima’ in many parts of India. According to the Hindu calendar, the holy month Shravana is an ideal period to worship Gods and perform pooja. The day of the full moon is the most sacred day in this Shravana month. Raksha Bandhan unites people of different cultures and makes us realize the importance of living in harmony and love. This Indian festival is very famous all over the world.
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as Rakhi Poornima in some places, whereas South Indians celebrate Avani Avitttam. Thus, different communities celebrate the same festival in their own unique ways, due to regional differences and cultural changes.
The Commanding North India
The essence of the festival doesn’t change; brother-sister bonding is revered and strengthened. In the North side of India rakhi is popular as Kajari Poornima and the Goddess Parvati is worshipped for a good bountiful season of harvest. The mythological story of Lord Vishnu and King Bali with Devi Laxmi is acknowledged in these parts. In all the cultures, giving and receiving gifts is part of the rakhi festivity. Send rakhi gifts to your relatives in North India on occasion of Kajri Poornima through courier or online gift e-shops.
The Mesmerising West India
The Western Indian land of Gujarat celebrates rakhi in their own unique way, they perform a special pooja to Lord Shiva and offer the ‘pachagaivya paste’ and fasten it around the Linga. While people in the Western Ghats do pooja to Lord Varuna (Sea God) and throw the Prasad of coconuts into the deep sea for the Lord. This unique mode of celebration is known as Nariyal Poornima. Send rakhi gifts to your friends in Gujarat in form of beautiful figurines of Lord shiva or rakhi threads with pictures of Shiva god.
The Beautiful South India
Let us now turn our attention towards the south of India, where the pious Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as ‘Avani Avittam’. It is a very significant south Indian festival for Hindu Brahmins, who start the day by reciting Gayatri mantra and tying the holy thread called Janeyu on their person. The Janeyu symbolises vedic rituals and adherence to Hindu traditions. Gifts such as devitonal CDs Gayatri Mantra CDs, Holy books on Gayatri Mantra and Bhagwad Gita will be well accepted. Send rakhi gifts to your South relatives through domestic courier services or through reputed rakhi e-stores.
Nowadays, people use the fastest technology- Internet to reach their loved ones in virtual land. Sending gifts is very convenient through online shopping. Sending Rakhi to Singapore sister or London brother, e-way is the best medium. E-gift stores help us connect to people in any corner of the globe; their prices are affordable with the promise of timely delivery of gifts.
Reliable e-shops like can help potential buyers to choose an ideal rakhi gift pack or hamper to be sent to local Indian cities or foreign countries. Be sure to get discounted rates and other special seasonal offers from them.
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as Rakhi Poornima in some places, whereas South Indians celebrate Avani Avitttam. Thus, different communities celebrate the same festival in their own unique ways, due to regional differences and cultural changes.
The Commanding North India
The essence of the festival doesn’t change; brother-sister bonding is revered and strengthened. In the North side of India rakhi is popular as Kajari Poornima and the Goddess Parvati is worshipped for a good bountiful season of harvest. The mythological story of Lord Vishnu and King Bali with Devi Laxmi is acknowledged in these parts. In all the cultures, giving and receiving gifts is part of the rakhi festivity. Send rakhi gifts to your relatives in North India on occasion of Kajri Poornima through courier or online gift e-shops.
The Mesmerising West India
The Western Indian land of Gujarat celebrates rakhi in their own unique way, they perform a special pooja to Lord Shiva and offer the ‘pachagaivya paste’ and fasten it around the Linga. While people in the Western Ghats do pooja to Lord Varuna (Sea God) and throw the Prasad of coconuts into the deep sea for the Lord. This unique mode of celebration is known as Nariyal Poornima. Send rakhi gifts to your friends in Gujarat in form of beautiful figurines of Lord shiva or rakhi threads with pictures of Shiva god.
The Beautiful South India
Let us now turn our attention towards the south of India, where the pious Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as ‘Avani Avittam’. It is a very significant south Indian festival for Hindu Brahmins, who start the day by reciting Gayatri mantra and tying the holy thread called Janeyu on their person. The Janeyu symbolises vedic rituals and adherence to Hindu traditions. Gifts such as devitonal CDs Gayatri Mantra CDs, Holy books on Gayatri Mantra and Bhagwad Gita will be well accepted. Send rakhi gifts to your South relatives through domestic courier services or through reputed rakhi e-stores.
Nowadays, people use the fastest technology- Internet to reach their loved ones in virtual land. Sending gifts is very convenient through online shopping. Sending Rakhi to Singapore sister or London brother, e-way is the best medium. E-gift stores help us connect to people in any corner of the globe; their prices are affordable with the promise of timely delivery of gifts.
Reliable e-shops like can help potential buyers to choose an ideal rakhi gift pack or hamper to be sent to local Indian cities or foreign countries. Be sure to get discounted rates and other special seasonal offers from them.
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